Sean Spicer Talks Challenges President Biden Creates for WH Press Secretary

Ever since President Biden was inaugurated, I’ve given his press secretary Jen Psaki, plenty of criticism for her often inept handling of the daily White House briefings. Today on the show, former White House press secretary Sean Spicer gave us some additional insight and perspective that should be considered.


Sean and I agree on the fact that any press secretary is going to have a load of spinning to do after the Biden versus Putin Summit in Geneva. What a mess. The complicity of national media in ignoring Biden‘s cringe-inducing brain lapses. Propping him up as an action figure is not only nauseating, but it’s also scary.. considering he is the leader of the free world.

The world is watching and the more weak and befuddled the president appears, the more opportunity created for dictators and despots.

We’re told he is going to try to be tough with Putin and yet set America back to a “predictable relationship“ with Russia. Whatever the heck that means. That didn’t work well under the Obama Biden administration. And now the stakes are even greater. Lord help us!

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